Standard Features

The standard features available to all users.

Navigation outside of a Canvas
Navigation in a Canvas

Clicking on the Canvas icon will take you to your Canvas Dashboard. Each Dashboard is unique to the user and will feature your Canvas boards. You can search for a Canvas board using the Canvas search bar. You can filter for the Canvas boards that you've created by clicking on Created By Me or for the Canvas boards that you've been invited to by clicking on Shared by My Team and Shared with Me.

What is Canvas?

The Canvas is a browser-based design environment for interior designers to create data-rich furniture layouts, product furniture schedules, presentations and digital mood board. Coupled with our proprietary AI-recommendation engine for furniture and lighting products, ‘Canoa AI’ provides recommendations generated from hundreds of millions of product combinations. Designers can quickly identify products from an image or search for new ones with prompts like ‘low carbon’’ and ‘in stock’ across millions of records, replacing a workflow that is entirely manual, error-prone, and typically takes weeks to accomplish.

Inside a Canvas

The Products tab is our +28k database of products, aka our Products library of over 100 Brands. You can filter by Category (such as Seating, Table, Storage, etc.) or filter further by Sub-Category.

There are quick filters for: Second Life, Quickship, Price, Brand Selection and Category.

How to design with second life products

And you can Sort By: Shuffled, Price, Lead Time, Manufacturer or Name. NOTE: The default sort is Shuffled.

Team Management allows you to manage the Subscription, Usage, Account Settings, and Users on your account.


When you create an account, your default role will be as an Admin. As an Admin, you can add or remove users, determine the level of access for each user, and edit your account information.

NOTE: Starter accounts are limited to a single user per account with limited access to Canoa's platform. You will need to upgrade your account tier to add users to your account.

The Team Management Page

Account Settings:

You'll find your account information when you click on the Pencil Icon. You can edit your Account Name, Legal Company Name, and add an email domain.

Account Settings
How to edit your account settings

Last updated