How to use Presentation Mode

This article will show you how to use the Play feature in Canvas to turn any series of Frames into a full screen presentation on your desktop.

Presentations access all the information that is organized into Frames on your Canvas. The Present feature is helpful for use cases when you want to show a client, vendor, or an internal team a more curated and polished look at your work you made in Canvas and leave out the sometimes messy sandlot on the side of your Frames 😬

To present a full-screen presentation in Canvas:

  1. Open a Canvas in your Canoa account.

  2. Use Frames (F key) to create "slides" that bound the content you want to present together.

  3. In the top right, click Play.

  4. Click or the checkboxes of the Frames you'd like to include in, or hide from, your presentation.

  5. In the Presentation side panel, arrange the order of your Frames by dragging and dropping the three-dashed lines up and down.

    1. In this side panel, click the download icon to export your presentation to PDF, JPEG, PNG, DWG, or DXF.

  6. Click the Play button to launch your presentation in a new browser window.

  7. Use the arrows on your keyboard or at the bottom of the presentation to change slides.

A best practice is renaming your Frames so they are more recognizable in the Presentation side panel. Read our Working with Frames article to learn all about the functionality of Frames in Canvas.

Need help getting started with creating a Presentation?

We have plenty of guides, use cases, and Templates that you can use to create a beautiful Canvas worthy of a presentation for clients, teams, and friends. Look no further than ⤵️

How to create a furniture & accessories presentationBegin with a Template

Export your Presentation

While you can always export Frames to various file types, you can also do so quickly from the Presentation side panel. Here, click the download icon to export your presentation to PDF, JPEG, PNG, DWG, or DXF. Check your downloads folder when the export is complete! Your file will be named the same as the name of your Canvas.

Last updated