How to use Frames

This article will show you how to use Frames within your Canvas for presentation, imaging, and mood boarding scenarios.

Frame on the Canvas Toolbar:

  1. From your Canvas dashboard, either select one of your Canvas boards.

  2. At the top is your toolbar is where you can access main functions quickly.

  3. The Frame icon will turn white when activated.

Why use Frames?

A Frame allows you to group objects together and gives you the option to export your work out of Canoa. Rather than having to select individual images, placing a Frame around them allows you to easily select, move, and export these elements as a group. Frames are also compared to as being like "presentation slides" within Canvas because of their organizational value.

Creating a Frame:

  1. Click on the Frame icon or type F and the icon will turn purple when activated.

  2. Create a Frame around the items that you'd like to export or print.

  3. When the Frame feature is active, you will continue creating frames. Hit ESC to exit from creating frames.

  4. You can set the ratio of your Frame to match the shape of common presentation or paper sizes and use that as a guide to layout or organize your Frame.

  5. You can select either Landscape or Portrait orientation.

Naming your Frame:

Every time a Frame is created on the Canvas, it will be automatically numbered according to the order it was created in. For example, Frame 0, Frame 1, Frame 2, etc..

You can always rename your Frames. Naming your Frame is helpful when organizing your Canvas or exporting your Frame. Since a Frame is currently exported one at a time, having a unique name for each Frame helps you identify the Frames as you export them.

  1. Click on your selected Frame, and then double-click on the Frame textbox at the top left of your frame box.

  2. Input a new name or title for your Frame. Here are some helpful naming tips:

    • If you're planning on combining your exported Frames into a book or presentation, then you may find it helpful to name your Frame "Presentation Name Page 1"; "Presentation Name Page 2", etc.

    • If you're planning on adding the visuals, floor plans, or schedules into a presentation template that you have, then you may find it helpful to name your Frame by the image or item name such as "Collage" or "Floor Plan" or "Furniture Schedule" etc.

Styling your Frame:

You can select a background color and set the opacity level of that fill color by clicking the Set Fill Style icon at the bottom of the Frame when it is selected.

You can also select a border style by clicking Set Stroke Style icon at the bottom of the Frame when it is selected. Choose between a Solid Line, Dashed Line, or Dotted Line and toggle its level of thickness.

Deleting a Frame (aka Ungroup):

To delete your frame, simply select the Frame and hit the delete key. You can also select the Frame, right-click and select Ungroup.

Deleting just the Frame won't delete the images within the Frame, but it will ungroup them. The elements now function independently from each other.

Using Frames is similar to using the Group and Ungroup action in Canvas, but Frames holds the power to export your work to PDF, JPEG, PNG, DWG, and DXF - a big function that Grouping does not carry.

See below for more details on organizing your Canvas using Frames.

How to organize your Canvas with Frames

See below for more details on exporting or printing your Canvas using Frames.

How to export or print your Canvas with Frames

Last updated