Best practices for uploading vector data
This article will outline the requirements needed of 2D or 3D vector drawing files to bring into Canoa. As with other CAD software, the quality of models make all the difference for space planning.
As an upgraded Pro, Studio, and Custom user with the My Catalog feature, you are able to create new products and add their 2D drawings in bulk to then leverage accurate space planning at scale within Canvas. With the bulk importing capabilities in Table view, you can bring in your full library of product drawings quickly and efficiently.
Recommended Data Standards
Make sure to keep clean and tidy drawings or 3D data standards. Canoa will attempt to push through and complete all data imports, but low quality data can create a bad experience for the end user.
We recommend using drawing files under 4mb each for peak performance.
Best Practices for Uploading Product Drawings:
Use .dwg, .dxf or .3dm files.
Import 2D or 3D vector and solid data.
Canoa will automatically generate 2D, top down vector drawings from 3D solids.
Canoa supports the conversion of 3D mesh models to 2D top down vector drawings.
Use closed polylines where possible.
Closed polylines will be recognized automatically and fills can be assigned.
Avoid 'heavy' polylines with unnecessary vertices.
Organize your drawing into layers to control depth.
Do not use the color 'white'. Instead keep all colors 'by layer'.
Example of a high quality drawing upload:
Top-down plan view .dwg or .dxf file
All lines are closed and watertight, making them easy to fill in Drawing Editor.
Some overlapping parts are okay if they enhance the drawing reading of depth.
Can tell what the product is when opening
Example of a variable quality drawing upload:
Polylines not properly joined or closed
Overlapping parts cannot be clearly distinguished to understand depth
Hard to make out what the product is
Example of a low quality drawing upload:
A poor quality mesh that is not watertight
Will trigger errors while generating 2D top down drawing
Drawing generation may fail altogether
How to import 2D drawings in bulk:
Last updated
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