How to adjust your Product Card view

This article will show you how to adjust the settings of you product card to create a customized view of specifications.

Each product in our library has three different views available: a scaled 2D vector drawing, the product image and the detailed product card. When you place a product into your Canvas, you can easily toggle between these views.

Adjusting your Product Card View:

  • You can easily adjust what details and specifications are shown in the product's Card view. To adjust the settings, click on the Settings (or gear icon).

  • NOTE: The Settings icon will only be visible when you toggle to the product's Card view.

  • You can select which specifications you want displayed on the Card. Drag any of the Secondary settings to move up and down in order shown on the Card. As you select or remove settings, the Card size will automatically adjust.

NOTE: Adjusting the settings on a product card is a global setting and will impact the product card view for all products on your Canvas.

This is a great option if you want to hide details, such as pricing or vendor, or show specific details such as lead time or materials.

Viewing Product Details:

Want to see full product details? Right click on the product image and select View Product Details to open the product card in your side panel.

NOTE: Only Pro, Studio, and Enterprise accounts will be have an option to save a product to their Catalog.

Last updated