Navigating our Platform and Features

Fast, fun and super smart design tools that are easy to navigate with our navigation bar and Resources tab.

The Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is found on the left of the screen when you are in the Canvas Dashboard, Products tab, Team page, My Catalog, and Catalog Pro. These icons correspond to the features available to you in your account tier. Clicking on the triple bar at the top will expand the menu.

The features available to you will be in black. Features that are not available will be greyed out.

Nav Bar in the Canvas Dashboard
Standard FeaturesUpgraded Features

While in Canvas, you can quickly access this navigation menu plus Help Docs & Support by clicking on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the Canvas.

Profile Picture drop-down menu in Canvas

Resources & Quick Access Menu in App

Our Resources menu allows quick access to our Help Docs, Blog, Templates, and Terms & Conditions. To access, click on the ? icon at the bottom of the left-side navigation bar. Then you can quickly access key resource tools while in the app.

You can also access a Resource menu from our website's home page. Expand the Resources tab to explore.

Last updated