How to add a new manufacturer or vendor
This article will help troubleshoot a common error when importing your product data into Catalog Pro so you can continue uploading and designing with the products and standards you want in Canvas.
Last updated
This article will help troubleshoot a common error when importing your product data into Catalog Pro so you can continue uploading and designing with the products and standards you want in Canvas.
Last updated
Catalog Pro is where you can upload your own product data to manage and design with on a daily basis that are not already apart of Canoa's public Products library. A common workflow in Catalog Pro is to upload a .CSV file of your own product data in bulk - so all of your products import into Canoa quickly and efficiently, at one time.
If you run into the error message "Row 1: Invalid option" during your import of your .CSV file and Catalog Pro fails to import your manufacturer or vendor fields, this is why:
The manufacturers and/or vendors are not currently in the Canoa system.
Open up Catalog Pro.
Search brands by using the Filter tool -> Manufacturer and Vendor.
If your brand appears in the filtered search, then your products will import with the manufacturer or vendor you have included without a problem.
If your manufacturer or vendor does not appear, you will need to add in the next step.
Exit the Import Products window. Click Cancel.
Click the Create Product button located in the upper-right corner of the Catalog Pro page.
You will then be taken to a window to populate the data fields of a new, unnamed product (seen below).
Scroll down to the Manufacturer field in the right-side panel.
Enter in the name of the manufacturer with the exact spelling and casing you would like to see on your product card.
The message "No manufacturers found." will show up. Click on the + Add button.
Now do the same steps (4 through 6) for the Vendor field shown in the right-side panel for that same unnamed product.
Once complete, simply exit the new, unnamed product page and return to Catalog Pro.
Refresh your internet browser.
Click the three dots, choose Import, and upload your existing .CSV file. The error message should not pop up again, and your import should go smoothly into Catalog Pro.
NOTE: These steps do not need to be taken if the Manufacturer or Vendor you are hoping to upload via .CSV file already exists on Canoa's public Products library.
The Manufacturer is the company that produces the furniture or accessories.
The Vendor is the company that you would reach out to for a quote or to order the furniture or accessories from. In some instances, the Manufacturer and the Vendor are the same company.
If this help article did not solve the error you are facing while attempting to import your own product data, please contact for further assistance.